from the pages.... Lately I have been scrapping a lot with
danyeela pattern paper. Love that stuff. But, until recently, she only had A4 papers. Total change for me... but once I got the hang of this different format, I loved it. But, as the title of this posts states... no matter what, there is always somthing sticking out from my pages. I guess A4 is just a tad too small for this die hard 12x12 scrapper. There are a few LOs I cannot show quite yet, but here are a few others. And, if you are just as blown away (not by my obvious artistic talent... LOL) but by the papers, you can order them
here shortly.

If you want to see more of my pages with "stuff sticking out" just go back a month or two. There are a few more LOs.
Oh, and related to my cupcake posts over the last few days.... Elvis is not dead. More in a few days.
Have a good one.
awesome!!! Love the sticking out!!! Gorgeous layout!
Was für schöne Layouts! Find ich klasse, daß Du Dich an A4 gewagt hast, steht Dir außerordentlich gut!
Ich hab nach wie vor Probleme mit dem Format, auch mit 8.5x11. Irgendwie flutscht es dann nicht so richtig, hmpf.
These are fabulous! Love how your bridge photo is off the page. Thanks for playing along with us :)
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