Oh well... I will show you a travel journal I made a week, no make that two weeks ago, for the Savvy'n Sassy online crop. I love how it turned out and I am hoping to fill it with exciting stuff this summer.

Oh, and I did make a card for a neighbor's confirmation this past Saturday. I had fun playing around with alcohol inks.

Other than that... Trouble #1 and #2 are on a school trip for three days and I am using this time for my annual "dung out the kids' rooms" event. One room down, one to go. And my garbage can is overflowing. Good thing tomorrow is pick up day.
With that said, have a good one.
oh liz, das journal ist sowas von schön geworden! ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen- einfach irre !
these are so cool and awesome!
I guess Mojo left Hamburg- let's get her back ;-)
Das Traveljournal ist der Hammer, schön flippig!
Wow, dsa Journal ist echt der Wahnsinn. Ich finde es so fantastisch, kann mich gar nicht dran satt sehen!
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