This is the one kind of cupcakes that I took to Nat's yesterday. I absolutely loved them. They are Three Vanilla Cupcakes with a Vanilla Seasalt Caramel Buttercream. I had read about using seasalt in cupcakes and I was a bit sceptical, but since one of my favorite deserts is Strawberry Pretzel Salad, which is kind of sweet and salty, I thought "why not?" And I loved the outcome. The three kinds of vanilla are great in the cupcake part and the buttercream.... oh, yummy!

I am going to try and post pictures of the other kind... strawberry cupcakes.... tomorrow.
Have a good one.
all I can say is superyummie :-)
J says Hi to the cupcake lady ;-)
Soooo yummy - I definitely need the reciept for this one - please :) Wie gut, dass gestern ein "heute zählen keine Kalorien"-Tag war - ich hätt sonst echt was verpasst :-)
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