Exhibit A: Advent calendars. They are not quite done yet. Well, they are, but the boxes are not quite level on the bottoms so the tape that I used to stick them to the back is not, well... sticking. So I have to get out my trusty hot glue gun, before too many more boxes fall off. Especially Trouble #2's calendar is a bit glue challenged and can only be displayed laying down.

Notice how I employed the ever popular German "napkin technique". Ughhh, I tried it once, dismissed it as "not my thing" and swore I would never do it again.... yeah, try wrapping 48 round boxes in pattern paper. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! So, napkins it was. And I swear: THIS TIME I MEAN IT! NO MORE NAPKIN gluing!
Exhibit B: even I could not resist doing at least ONE christmas altered item. When I saw these paper mache letters I had to have them. I used the lovely MME Bohemia christmas papers from last year. Still love them. Wish I could get my hands on more. No such luck so far. But if anyone has a source, please let me know.
I displayed the letters on the heater in my dining room bay window.

Exhibit C:
Last but not least, yes, I am among one of the almost 1000 Christmas Journalers in Shimelle's class. We are officially on day 3, and I am only two days behind. Yeah for me! Wink. I am using an 8x8 7gypsies gated album. It's been sitting in my mini album box forever and I never knew what to do with it. It seemed perfectly suited for this purpose, though. We shall see. Of course, first thing I had to do, was disassemble it. As I am still painfully low on christmas papers (just didn't think that far ahead when I was shopping in NY in October, duh!) I am using up my scraps of MME Bohemia Christmas. Like I said, if anyone knows where to get more, I'd love to know.

Now I am off to bed, have a good one.
Aber die Adventskalender sehen klasse aus, trotz Serviettentechnik. ;)
Oh, und Deine Weihnachtsdeko find ich wunderhübsch, das Papier ist echt klasse. Leider kann ich Dir nicht weiterhelfen, hab es auch schon gesucht.
Ich wünsch Dir was!
Ooooh dein weichnachts deko ist einfach wunderschön!!! Serviettentechnic habe ich auch gerade wieder benutzt ;). Ich habe auch gesagt... nie wieder servietten aber... sag niemals, Niemals :).
ohghh- die Adventskalender sind grandios und Deine Kerzen und dein Christmas Journal!!! Yummie!
Super Adventskalender und ich liebe die Xmas Buchstaben!!! Wo hast Du denn die tollen Buchstaben gekauft? Ich suche schon ganz verzweifelt nach genau solchen und kann sie nirgends finden! Danke und Gruss, Sans
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