My latest "name" purchases were:

How can you go wrong with something called "obscure"? Or "Rockstar"? or "grungeboard"? Grungeboard, coincidentally, hasn't actually been purchased yet, but I asked my lovely friend Andrea to pick it up for me at a shop in Berlin and deliver it personally. Yeah! Gotta love personal delivery.
And this is one I am lusting after. It is called "Wild Saffron". I have no actual use for these papers. They are pretty, no doubt. But do I really NEED more paper with little flowers, butterflies and swirls? Never mind, don't answer that.

So, in an effort to find out about other tempting "name" products, tell me yours. I will come up with a RAK to the one that can convince me to purchase "their" name product.
Have a goo done.
Das einzige was wirklich immer bei mir landet ist Scenic Route, nicht immer alles aus einer Reihe, aber mindestens eins davon habe ich immer.
Hambly ist auch oft vorhanden, ebenso My Mind's Eye, American Crafts thickers, usw.
Ich hab vor kurzem einiges von Creative Café geholt und bin schwer begeistert von der Qualität und den Farben, wow!
Ich wünsch Dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende! :)
mmmmm - Hambly - yummie, Fontwerks, und ich mein Danyeela!!!! :-)
my alltime favorites are: american crafts!!
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