T#1 and #2 are sick. And it's contagious. And it takes about 7-10 days to NOT be contagious anymore. You know how awful it is to have these two home from school, without a way for them to get rid of all their energy since they cannot go outside and play? Since they don't get to hang out with their friends? They are miserable, T#1 more so than #2, and they are bored, and they are cranky, and they are just awful to be around right now.
All in all it took 4 trips to 3 doctors, to find out that they do not have shingles, or chickenpox but impetigo... yup, I had to look that up, too. Never heard of it, hope to never hear of it again.
In happier news, I rearranged my bedroom/scraproom and I like it so much better. I still need to find homes for quite a bit of my "stuff" since though I have more space, I have less storage space. Not ideal, but I like the set-up much better. And really, I do have to get rid of some of this stuff. I am serious when I say that some of it has moved with me 4 times!
And, after I finally had cleared of my desk enough to actually be able to scrap a bit... this is LO 12 & 13 for the Jumpstart January Challenge. All PP/CS from an old Scrapologie Kit. The brown letters on #13 are MM.
Now I am off to bed. I didn't get much sleep the last couple of nights. T#1 & T#2 are in a fair amount of pain, so they keep getting up during the night.
Have a good one.
oh no - those two poor cuties! Sending you a big hug over!!! Loving your layouts- they are amazing!!!
Ach du je, hoffentlich geht es den beiden bald wieder besser. Ich weiß so was Du meinst, Gabriel hat Scharlach, ist glücklicherweise ab morgen nicht mehr ansteckend. Halt durch! :)
Die Layouts sind wunderbar, Liz, bin total begeistert!!
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