Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I want to be a rockstar

I put together a quick LO last night. I haven't been scrapping at all... just too busy with end of summer stuff, school stuff, company stuff, workshop stuff, but I just had to scrap this latest "gem" of Trouble #2.

She's been "rockin'" in front of my computer, watching the Nickelback YouTube video "Rockstar" over and over.

Yesterday she confided that she had a problem. She was wondering if she could quit riding, because she really wanted to concentrate on becoming a rockstar, and you really can't be a rockstar if you are trying to become a famous jockey as well as a dentist.

She was rather relieved when I told her that she wouldn't have to worry about becoming a dentist until she was going off to college and her big sister told her that she could still become a rockstar even if she were old.

So she'll stick with being a jockey first. Mmmmhhh, I really don't know which is the better career choice.

Have a good one.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

bwahahaha- I love that she also chooses to be a dentist. I see her at Popstars on stage - "Hey girl, if you come into my way...I will drill your teeth"

N. said...

hehe, 'attitude' hat sie jedenfalls schon :-)

Simone said...

Ich lach mich schlapp,das kenne ich doch irgendwo her....
Wir hätten hier noch:Schminkerin,Nägelmalerin,Ballerina oder aber "kranke Tiere Helferin".Choose the right,sach ich da nur!!!

Christiane said...

*looooool* love this story!! too funny!! i'm voting like nat!! dentist+rockstar= heavy hayden!! and a great name for a rockstar. huh??
love your layout!!