Thursday, August 30, 2007

My baby is a first grader!

well... another small sign of life. The pictures from my camera aren't developed yet but we actually managed to get one decent picture from the digi. Here Trouble #2 is on her first day of school, waiting for the performance by the second graders in the gym.

Isn't she just too cute? And she is the tiniest one in her class. One girl is almost as little, but from what I could tell... yeah, she is the tiniest one and that despite her recent growth spurt.

We still have company here and all is going well (for those of you who know and care), so online time is rare. More pictures and LOs next week.

Have a good one.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

She is supercute- what a great day for her! Can't wait to see more pictures! Good to hear all is well - Hugs!

Christiane said...

nat wrote my text! ;)) she really very cute!!