Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ever at a loss....

when it comes to matching papers to your pictures?

Go here and link to a picture. Then "Color-Pallette-ify" it. Isn't it cool? Now... go off and create a LO.

I am hoping to get some more scrapping done tonight because starting tomorrow I will be sewing up a storm. Trouble #1 and #2 are getting shipped off to their grandmother's and I am not going to start anything else untill those curtains are done. I am teling you.... 50 yards of red velvet is VERY intimidating.

Have a good one.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

Wowsers you have quite some thing to do tomorrow!

checkin' out your link now- thanks a lot!

Kim Sonksen said...

Thanks for that link - what an awesome and useful tool