completely unrelated to scrapping, stamping, shoes, cupcakes or anything else I usually talk about.
Let's say, hypothetically speaking, you have a very intelligent, extremely articulate, very active first grader (female), who started school a year early. She doesn't like school, complains about being bored, but on the other hand does not perform as would be expected. Now you find out, that her teachers are concerned because she is falling asleep in class, pretty much 3-4 times a week during first and second period, and by third and fourth period, she is tired and cranky and gets snippy when scolded by the teachers. Now, it is ruled out that the child doesn't sleep enough... she goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up about 6:30am.
What could possible be a reason for her falling asleep in class?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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That is a very good question! mmmhhh - does she drink enough? does she say she sleeps through?
Is she snoring? Sometimes the adenoids (Polypen) prevents the REM (Tiefschlafphase).
Just an idea.
Ich schreibe mal auf deutsch, ja? Also ich kann mir vorstellen, dass sie gelangweilt ist, weil es ihr zu einfach ist... oder...Wie sieht es morgens mit Frühstück aus? Morgens was warmes z.B. Hirsebrei mit Äpfeln, Rosinen etc. wirkt manchmal Wunder! Ich war auch immer todmüde den ganzen Tag, nun gibts morgens Brei uns alles ist gut, ich kann mich viel besser konzentrieren und es hält lange satt und ist super gesund. Lieben Gruß Mirija
Also ich hätte jetzt auch gesagt, dass ihr einfach langweilig ist.
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