As I mentioned, I bought a few pairs of shoes this summer. Big surprise, right?
Aside from several pairs of flip-flops and a pair of sneakers, this is what I got:


You might remember me posting about red shoes... oh, back in June last year, and February or March this year... when I got these

and these:

and these:

Well, I added to the collection.
Aren't these cute?

and these (in red, of course)

and my favorites:

As for my shoe dilemma yesterday, I ended up wearing my Kenneth Cole Mary Janes, but by midnight my feet were hurting enough, that I changed into a pair of brown Sketchers. It was dark, all the guests were pretty much drunk... nobody could tell the difference. I didn't get to bed until almost 5am and I can tell you... my feet are tired.
Now I am going to have myself some breakfast and enjoy the day.
Have a good one.
OMG OMG OMG OMG - I SO love all them!!!
The new addition is amazing and the last ones?? To die for!!!
genial- for allem die zweiten - hammer!!!!
Die mit den roten Pünktchen sind ja der Hammer,ob ich darin laufen könnte bezweifle ich allerdings!
Und die zweiten könnten echt in meinem Schuhschrank stehen!!!
*augenrausfall* Sehr coole Auswahl. Das letzte wäre dann auch mein Favorit Ich hab genau zwei hochhackige Schuhe, aber du machst mir Lust auf mehr.
Yeah! Die roten ankle boots find ich ja total ge... ! Die würden ja sowas von gut zu meiner neuen kirschroten Trenchjacke passen :-))
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