Friday, April 25, 2008

Elvis cupcakes

what do you think?

Apparently Elvis loved grilled Peanutbutter & Banana sandwiches. So much so, that he would eat a dozen or so in one sitting. I think he would have liked my sandwich inspired cupcakes.

The cupcake part is a fried banana, chunky peanutbutter cupcake. Denser than a regular cupcake, but lighter than banana bread. The frosting is a super light peanut butter buttercream, with a drizzle of dark chocolate.

I tried one. I had to lock away the rest, so I wouldn't do like Elvis. My hips (and new jeans) do not need a dozen of these cupcakes.

Have a good one.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

Ok - I'm drooling!!!

Janine Langer said...

Aaah, lag ich doch gar nicht so falsch mit meinem Tipp. Oh man, die sehen so lecker aus, und ich hab grad so'nen Hunger. Frechheit!

Ich wünsch Dir was! :)