Okay, parent/teacher conference went without major problems. Trouble #1's problems are sort of minor (now) in comparison to Trouble #2. But... I am working on a solution for both problems. The worst is, that the school thinks there is nothing wrong with how they are doing things and they completely reject any kind of criticism. The just were named 4th best school in the state, and in the top 50 (of the schools that applied) nationwide. But, anyone around here, who has a child attending, or had a child attending... or has heard of children who attended, can't help but laugh at such an "honor". The school thinks they are the cat's meow, and everyone else just shakes their head in disbelief. The concepts look fabulous on paper but with incompetent administration and faculty.... ooops, the concept isn't so great anymore.
But, like I said, I am trying to figure out a solution to our school problem.
In better news, if you ever felt like actually wanting to taste one of my cupcake creations, and you don't make a habit of hanging out with me at Ms. Nat's home, where invariably I end up bringing cupcakes, you can actually purchase my cupcakes now at "my" store, DaVini Feinkost in Rellingen. Well, that only helps if you actually live in the town of Rellingen or surrounding areas, but heck... my cupcakes are being sold in a store!
After "bribing" my coworker with lots of baked goodies, and us running out of cake yesterday, my friend and neighbor Linda asked why we weren's selling my cupcakes. So, I passed the idea on to my boss... she thought it was a fabulous idea... and this morning I made chocolate cupcakes with creamy vanilla frosting. Wish me luck that they sell. Germans can get a bit finicky about their baked goods.
Gute Nachrichten für diejenigen von euch die schon immer mal meine Cupcakes probieren wollten und nicht des öfteren bei Ms. Nat rumhängen... wo ich irgendwie doch immer wieder cupcakes mitbringe. Meine cupcakes können jetzt tatsächlich käuflich erworben werden in "meinem" Laden, DaVini Feinkost in Rellingen. Naja, wenn ihr nicht gerade in Rellingen oder umliegenden Gemeinden wohnt, hilft es nicht wirklich, aber Mensch, meine cupcakes werden in einem echten Laden verkauft.
Ich hatte meinen Kollegen schon mehrfach mit cupcakes "bestochen" und als uns Dienstag der (nicht so überzeugend gute) Kuchen ausging, schlug meine Nachbarin vor wir sollten doch Cupcakes verkaufen. Also habe ich die Chefin gefragt, und Voila! es gibt Cupcakes bei DaVini Feinkost. Mal schauen ob es funktioniert und wir ordentlich verkaufen. Unsere Kunden können sehr wählerisch sein.
Anyway, as you know, baking is relaxing for me, and making the perfectly light, airy, buttercream... perfection. My day turned out much better than anticipated.
Have a good one.